Monday, April 02, 2007

April Fool's Day!!

During my first year teaching, I was always a little frantic. On April Fool's Day, I was so frantic that I didn't even realise that it WAS April Fool's Day. One of my colleagues had a student come to my classroom and knock on the door in the middle of my lesson. The student said that there was a grade assembly going on in the library, and everyone was waiting for our class before they could begin. She said there had been an email that I must not have received explaining the assembly. I was so annoyed, as I really needed to get on with my lesson. Grudgingly, we went down to the library, but about half way there I remembered that it was April Fool's Day and told my class to turn around and go back to class. When we got back, my colleague and her class were in the middle of "redecorating" my classroom!

I wondered if anyone else has any funny April Fool's Day stories, even though it doesn't have much to do with media.

By the way, follow this link to see the top ten April Fool's Pranks of all time (apparently)

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