mzqbit's random blog awards highlights some particularly interesting posts. The idea is to give everyone a chance to focus on some posts that could generate some good debate, and to celebrate a post well-posted.
There is also an assignment attached to the awards. Please comment on at least TWO of these posts. They are worth your while!
Congratulations to this week's winners!

This was a good read, with lots of pictures and and a great review. She goes beyond just explaining why she liked the movie by explaining why it was different, worth taking about, etc.

Kise also looks at a shocking advertising trend in a sleasy diet companies portfolio.


I'd like everyone to have a look at this post because you can see that Spade is trying to generate a debate in his comments. The topic is quite controversial - is rap music glamorizing gangsta life? Notice how he ends his post with a question.

Congrats to this week's winners. The next awards will be posted ... whenever ... as they are "mzqbit's random blog awards!"
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