This morning I was reading my newspaper and I was horrified to see various images of the Virginia Tech killer sprawled all over The Globe and Mail. The main article was about how the killer (who will remain nameless- I don't remember his name and I don't care to know it) sent a multi-media package to NBC in the mail between the first and second shootings. In this multi-media package he included text explaining his motivation and videos and pictures of him posing with various weapons- the way he wanted to be remembered. When I opened the newspaper, there was a two paged spread of pictures and images from this package.
I think it is disgusting that ANY media outlet would grant this killer's wishes by allowing these images to saturate the public. These images glorify the real horror he has produced, and give him the notoriety he was craving. Why why why would we grant him his dying wish, when his victim's weren't given the opportunity to think about their own dying wishes? This is a disgrace to the families of the victims. Not only that, but publishing his material could also be dangerous, as there is a risk his message could provide inspiration for other troubled people out there who may be considering putting their own names down in history.
There is no denying that the media needs to take some kind of responsibility for these kinds of school shootings. Many of these incidents are copycats of previous shootings, which means that the killers saw the coverage of one school shooting and used that coverage as encouragement. Now I am not suggesting that these events should not be reported on; an event so devastating should not be ignored; however, those who are reporting on the tragedy need to do so with some responsibility. We should be focusing on the acts of heroism and tributes to the young people who lost their lives.

I will end this post with a tribute to Liviu Librescu, an engineering professor who was just one of the 32 murdered during the rampage on Monday morning. Students said Librescu, 76, leaned against the door of his Virginia Tech classroom, blocking the path of the gunman. Librescu's actions gave his students enough time to climb out the window of his second-storey classroom. The gunman eventually got through the door and killed Librescu, but not before his students escaped.
His bravery and heroism is a story that we can look to for inspiration in our own lives. His story is worth telling, and his name is worth remembering.
Liviu Librescu.
I personally believe that when tragdies like this occur the media shouldn't be focused on the disgusting person who did it. it should be focused on the innocent people who were killed, i believe that it gives satisfaction to the person who did it and that is NOT where the attention should be focused.
MzQbit, you took the words right out of my...keyboard? I feel the exact same way about this issue. I was watching the news when they showed this crazed mans face, as well as his videos over, and over, and over again. Haven't we seen enough? That man is scary, and he also has the potential to inspire other sick and twisted killers to follow his lead. Everything worked out the way he had planned. He killed innocent people as a means of revenge. Then killed himself. And then had it broadcasted on tons of T.V. stations. They should never have made those videos and photos public. It is showing disrespect towards the family members of the victims.
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