Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Hello, class.

Sorry that I am sick today. I just want to remind you that on Sunday I will be marking your blogs for your midterm report cards. Many of you NEED a good mark on this to boost your average for the class. I will be using a rubric which I will give you tomorrow, but essentially, this is what I am looking for:

  • At least 8 posts that comment on an issue in the media
  • Other posts (any amount) that give your post personality (about me, interesting pictures, etc - like my cactus post or Go Leafs Go post)
  • Some links to other websites
  • An attractive appearance
  • Many comments on other blogs
  • Comments on your blog
  • Attempts to edit and revise spelling and grammar

(help each other out on that one. You get marks for commenting on other blogs, but you also get marks for the comments on your blog.)

(I am generally not taking marks off for the odd spelling or grammar error, but try to keep these errors to a minimum. You can always go back and edit any post - spellcheck is available.)

I will try to be commenting on your blogs during class if I don't fall asleep first. If you have a question for me, comment on this post, and I will try to answer it somehow.

See you tomorrow


PS. Looking through your blogs, I noticed that many of you didn't post anything yesterday. Make sure you post to your blog today - it's the last day in class before you are marked.


sweety pie said...

mzqbit. could you show me how to put web links on my blog again. I forget. Thanks. I hope that I can think of other things to put up. thank you.

sallyspaghetti said...

why is it we're supposed to have 10 blogs ? ? i thought we were supposed to have four the first week, then 2 every week after that. so isnt that 8 blogs all together ?

MzQbit said...

I answered your questions on the most recent posting on your blogs. I hope it helps, have a good day!