"'Welcome to New York's Upper East Side, where my friends and I all live in huge, fabulous apartments and go to exclusive private schools. It's a luxury life, but someone's got to live it.'
This is the eighth book in the internationally bestselling series. It's almost graduation and the lives of New York's private high school elite are really heating up. Everyone's got into college and it's clearly time to party - not that they haven't been doing plenty of that already! Blair and Nate's relationship has moved on to a new level - but will the love affair continue? Or will Nate's love affair with his bong get in the way? Only time can tell how everyone will end up, bit one thing's for sure: love is in the air, and it smells a lot like Gucci envy."
That is a sample of what you can expect in the series "Gossip Girl" by Cecily von Ziegasar. With a target audience ranging from girls aged 11-20, these books are the latest teen craze. Now, as an English teacher, my policy has always been, if a student is reading ANY book, that's great. Until I actually picked one of these books up!
-advertisements galore
well, first of all i think you should read the book befor you critise. I, one of your Students, (your Favorite one) happen to enjoy the Gossip Girl books.I dont read that much and when i do i like to read one that i enjoy, and relate to. Im not saying that i relate to these girls, but they seem fun, and sorry to tell you but the last thing on a high schoolers mind is there school work. We do like to party, and we talk about things that adults dont t5alk about, its been like that for years, you cant tell me that you and your girlfriends never partied , and talked about guys when you were in high school. And yes this book does advertise, But what doesnt now a days???? trust me its nothing new.im not saying thats all we think about, its a book, just because we are reading it doenst mean we are going to go out and have sex, we are smarter then wee look! in theses books they do figh with each other and they also resolve there problems with eachother, on that note we all have our own opion. thanks for reading!!! see you in class Ms. Cubitt! xoxo Emily Moulton
Wow... Oh my goodness, you have pretty much said it all emi, but yea I completely agree. The books are okay, but honestly if teachers want us to read more, they should let us read what we please, with some restrictions of course, but otherwise. Advertising is everywhere we look, so one book that not everyone is bound to like or even pick up, can not be that bad! Anyways See you tomarrow !
Sarah Mayhew
mzqbit. I diagree and agree with you opinion of gossip girl. I agree because it is actually a good book. I diagree because it advertises bad things. But it s not actually about all that. Its also about freindship and love.
Love charlene
Mzqbit! I totally disagree with you about gossip girl books! That is my favourite book series! Just because the girls are rich doesn't mean they don't go through real teenage highschool life. alot of thier problems really do happen in real life. Im surprised i can even sit and read these books i can't read anything else, whenever i read it, i get completely into it and can't put it down. Also they help me resolve problems with friends because i read what they do and it helps me figure out how to solve my problems. So you really should just read them, they are not bad at all. well thanks for reading! : )
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