Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Thanks Everybody!

Well, I think the first two days of blogging were a success and I was thrilled to get some positive feedback from everybody. I really hope that everyone continues to be eager and enthusiastic. Please let me know if you have any ideas about the unit; I love feedback and suggestions. I think I am going to have "blog marking day" be Sunday, so please make sure that you have your internet safety assignment done by then (email it to me if necessary) and also be sure to have added your childhood story (I love them!) and two comments to my articles. I will give everyone some feedback on Monday, when we start blogging.

Also, there may be a problem with signing up for a blogger account at school, so this might need to be done at home. Let me know if that will be a problem for anyone.



Anonymous said...

Okay I didn'y really know where to post my childhood story so i decided that here was the place! So i guess my childhood story takes us back to 1995 when i lived in saskatoon. Well it was the dead of winter (dum dum duum) and my sister and i were sent out side to play. Anyway after eating my fill of the snow I got bored and started following my sister around,she eventually (after ignoring me) got angry and told me that if I wanted to play with her I'd have to lick the METAL evestrough spout. Me, not knowing what would happen and also wanting something to do, eagerly went to do the task at hand. What happened after was the most painful lesson i have ever learned. i eventually got my tongue off the pole with the help of my parents ( not my sister though, she was to busy LAUGHING!!!) To this day I'm am glad to say I haven't repeated my mistake!! And my older sister still makes fun at how gullable I was. (I WAS, that is)

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah if you want to check out my blog go onto http://www.6town.blogspot.com